Between 2002 and 2008, I worked as a writer in the entertainment industry, first as editor of What DVD magazine, then as editor of Blockbuster InterAction (an in-store magazine for the now defunct video chain).
During those six or so years, I interviewed close to 100 celebrities. Early on I got starstruck, but I quickly realised movie makers, on both sides of the camera, were just regular people – the majority of them smart, interesting and friendly. I never got tired of it.
A number of those interviews, however, really stuck with me – sometimes because what we discussed was unusual or memorable, sometimes because the person made an impression on me (good or bad), and sometimes for reasons I’d rather forget.
In the coming days, I’ll offer my recollections about a selection of these interviews. Here they are in running order (with what I was interviewing them about at the time):
Michael Richards (Seinfeld)
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (Walking Tall, Be Cool)
Sir David Attenborough (The Life of Mammals, Life On Air)
Sandra Bullock (Two Weeks’ Notice, Crash)
Hugo Weaving (The Matrix Reloaded)
I will post the first one tomorrow.