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NEWS: Confirmed release date for 'The Test Case'

Kris Ashton

My science fiction story 'The Test Case' has been confirmed for the March 12 issue of online 'zine Perihelion SF. It will be free to read, which is pretty generous considering Perihelion pays semi-pro rates.

The inaugural issue in October 2014 kicked off with a story by Simon Petrie – a fellow Antipodean, a member of the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild, editor of the Next anthology and a Sir Julius Vogel Award winner – so I am in fine company.

Here is a small taste of 'The Test Case' to whet your appetite...

The Test Case by Kris Ashton

The buzzer shattered Jeff Albertsen’s slumber and he sat up with a jolt, the blanket scrunched in his hands. He blinked a few times and waited for his brain to come on line. The soothing ocean sounds that had lulled him to sleep only added to his disorientation.

When a second rasping buzz abraded his ears it all came back. He threw aside the blanket and stood up to look at the screen above the door to his cabin.

The security camera showed two men outside. They wore blazers fashioned from stout cloth, tight-fitting grey trousers and shin-high black boots. The helmets tucked beneath their arms were standard company issue except for the colour: luminescent blue and red instead of high-vis yellow. In a loop on each man’s belt was something not standard issue: a shock truncheon.

Corporate police.

Jeff stood gape-mouthed at the camera, his blood tinctured with adrenaline, as he tried to figure out what the police could want with him. The corporation Christmas party? No, he had been tipsy but not out of control and that was weeks ago. It couldn’t be an accumulation of civil infractions – his record was unblemished. He interrogated his memory but it offered up no other possibilities.

One of the police pressed the buzzer again, an out-of-patience double jab, and Jeff’s heart shifted into top gear. He reached for the OPEN DOOR button and found his hand trembling. He drew a deep breath, willed his hand to be still, and opened the door.

He applied a smile to his face and looked from one cop to the other. “Something the matter, gentlemen?”

“Officer Morley,” said the biggest of the pair, “this is Officer Davis. You’re Jeff Albertsen, employee number nine-oh-nine-four-nine?”

Jeff licked his lips. “That’s me.”

“Sir, we have orders from the CEO to detain you under suspicion of rape.”

The bottom fell out of Jeff’s mind. He groped for the right words to refute the allegation. What emerged from his mouth was: “Rape?”

“That’s correct, sir,” said Officer Morley. “We see no need for restraints at this time. Please don’t make us change our minds.”

Jeff’s hands began to shake again, even though they were by his sides. “Just let me change,” he heard himself say.

Five minutes later, clad in jeans and a collared shirt, Jeff let the corporate police lead him away.


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