Lately I’ve been living through one of those lean patches; my last story acceptance came months ago, while rejections have been arriving by the shovelful. (I just this minute got one from Fantasy & Science Fiction.) It was heartening, then, to last week sign the contract with Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, which will publish my story ‘Teething Problems’ in March.
It was originally scheduled to appear in September 2015, but became ensnared in the inevitable delays that are a part of small press publishing. No matter – when you’ve been waiting nearly ten years to appear in a particular fiction magazine, an additional six months is no great hardship.
Two things I can tell you about ASIM #63: it has classy cover art – while ASIM’s fiction has always been of high quality, I wouldn’t say its covers were my favourites – and it has a story from Sir Julius Vogel Award winner (and the author of one of the abovementioned rejections, dammit), Dan Rabarts.