It’s been very much a case of ‘life, interrupted’ these past few months. Day job turmoil and the arrival of my second child (among other things) took a literary career that was already in the doldrums and washed it onto a reef. But the one thing I have managed to do is continue submitting completed stories, and I’m pleased to say one has been accepted.
Blood in the Rain II is an anthology of vampire erotica that runs the gamut from explicit sex to my story, ‘The Stag Night’ which is probably the tamest of the lot (but it contains a scene I don’t think readers will forget in a hurry – heh, heh, heh).
The publisher is Cwtch Press, a tiny outfit in Washington. As the anthology’s title suggests, it is a sequel to this one, and is scheduled to appear in October, to tie in with Halloween, I presume. ‘Cwtch’ is a Welsh word that means ‘the action of holding somebody close in your arms in a loving way’ – an apt name for a publisher in this space. It also ties in nicely with my story.
You can keep an eye on the anthology’s progress here or check back for updates.