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Some quick updates

Kris Ashton

The second half of 2018 is shaping up to be a fruitful time. Here’s what’s coming:

1. I have narrated my story ‘Freckle Face’ for AntipodeanSF. The text version will appear first online in issue 241 in August and then the podcast will come a short while later.

2. Argosy editor Daniel Bazinga contacted me this morning to say he has commissioned cover art for his upcoming anthology – said art to be inspired by my novella, ‘Blood and Light’. Another milestone!

3. Author Eugen Bacon was in touch recently about her non-fiction book, Writing Speculative Fiction, and the excerpts of my work that will appear in it. I thought it would be little more than a passing reference, but I’m thrilled to say it’s nearly two pages of analysis dedicated to my stories ‘Howling Mad’ and ‘The Larval Stage’. Writing Speculative Fiction is scheduled for a 2019 release from publisher Macmillan International.

4. The countdown has begun towards the next Fiction Desk anthology, which editor Rob Redman tells me will likely have a theme of loss and grief. It will contain my ghost story ‘Highway Memorials’. It should be out before the end of the year.

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